Beautiful Switzerland Mountain Instagram Pictures

Beautiful Switzerland Mountain Instagram Pictures
Beautiful Switzerland Mountain Instagram Pictures [Img:IG@_paediil]
Mirror-like lakes, snowcapped mountain ranges that seem to go on forever, and fairy-tale little villages-it's hard to find a corner in Switzerland that's not postcard-worthy. Whether you're heading here to ski some of the world's best slopes, try their world-famous cheese and chocolate, or explore their stunning Alpine lakes, Switzerland won't disappoint. Because of its location in the center of Europe, Switzerland is incredibly diverse-the perfect place to capture amazing photos no matter where you go.

Switzerland Lakeside Sunset
Switzerland Lakeside Sunset [Img:IG@_paediil
Short, precious moments like this are so worth waiting in the cold fog on a windy ridge. Agree?

Bernese Alps, Switzerland
Bernese Alps, Switzerland [Img:IG@_paediil]
The sky turned grey as we were waiting for the sunset, yet we stayed a little longer, hoping there would be an opening in the sky again. And for a brief moment, there was. The mountains lit up and the sky followed. The coolest ten minutes ever!

Blood Moon Between Mountains In Switzerland
Blood Moon Between Mountains In Switzerland [Img:IG@_paediil]
Rise And Fall - I got my hands on the 100-400mm lens for a couple weeks and was scouting for a blood moon location for the next morning, as I realized that the moon will be rising behind these mountains later that day. So I grabbed my snowshoes and scanned the area finding a position for the moon rising in soft evening light. That moment when the sun sets and the moon rises at the same time, that's my favorite, even it's not a 100% full. 💕✨